- Pre procedure
Stand in Sthiti:, that's, bring your legs together and place your the hands besides your thighs. So that your palms touching on the corresponding thigh.
- Step 1
- Separate both the legs with a distance of 1 meter.
- Step 2
- With a inhalation, raise your both the hands at shoulder level.
- Step 3
- Step 4
- With a exhalation, bend your body towards right side to place your right palm on the right foot or to the Floor. (Floor at the side of outer margin of your right foot).
- Point your left arm towards upward, then, turn your face to up, so that you can see your left middle finger which is above your head.
- Maintain this final posture for minimum of 10 seconds.
- Step 5 (Releasing)
- With a inhalation, raise your both the hands again upto shoulder level and turn your right foot foreward.
- Step 6 (Releasing)
- Exhale, then bring your both the hands to your respective thighs.
- Step 7 (Releasing)
- Join your both the legs together and hands by the sides of body.
- Step 8 (Relaxation)
- Tie your hands behind, Sperate your legs and close your eyes to observe the changes happened within your body.
- Step 9 (Repeating on opposite side)
- After sufficient relaxation, repeat the same procedure (Step 1 to step 7) for left side. After performing on left side, go for relaxation as mentioned in step 8 (Above)
- Muscles
- Muscles such as external oblique muscles, rectus abdominis, rectus femoris, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius are majorly activated while performing Trikonasana.
- Practicing this asana in regular basis can bring flexibility to the muscles of thigh, calf and back.
- Iso-metric contraction of specific muscles (External oblique muscles and rectus abdominis of abdomen, rectus femoris of front part of thigh and gluteus maximus and gluteus medius of buttocks) can results in build up of strength in the muscles of abdomen, front part of the thigh and buttocks.
- Lungs
- A research study published in Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology showing, the short-term practice of Trikonasana along with other asanas like padmasana, Tadasana, Utkatasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana, and with Pranayamas in Asthma patients shown significant improvement in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and vital capacity of the lungs. This study suggest that regular practice of this asana can improve the lung functions.
- Heart and Blood vessels
- A scientific study published in Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine assessed cardiovascular autonomic nervous system through short-term heart rate variability and Blood pressure. findings of this study suggests that, practice of Yoga Asanas, including Trikonasana can reduce the blood pressure and heart rate on regular practice by activating Baroreceptor mechanism and by controlling the Renal sympathetic nerve activity.
- Elasticity of blood vessels are important to prevent high blood pressure and vascular disorders. Practice of Trikonasa stretches blood vessels of abdomen, thigh and leg. Thus regular practice of this asana can bring elasticity in those blood vessels, helps to prevent hypertension and vascular diseases like varicose vein and arteriosclerosis.
- Blood
- A research paper published in Indian journal of clinical biochemistry administered Trikonasana along with Suryanamaskara (Sun salutation), and asanas like Tadasana, Padmasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha-matsyendrasana, Pavanamuktasana, Bhujangasana and Shavasana, and Pranayamas in type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients. The result of this study shows significant reduction in following parameters;
- Fasting blood sugar (FBS): Blood sugar examined in empty stomach (early morning) to know how body controls blood sugar in fasting state.
- Post prandial blood sugar (PPBS): Blood sugar examined 2hours after the intake of food to know how body controls blood sugar after food intake.
- Serum malondialdehyde (MDA): Oxidation in cells are the major cause for insulin resistance in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Lipid peroxidation in the adipose tissues causes oxidative stress to the cells leading to Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. MDA is a indicator of oxidative stress, helps us to know to what level our body is under oxidative stress.
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1c): This is a indicator for knowing how well the body controls blood sugar in the past 3 months.
- The study concluded that practice of Yoga techniques, including Trikonasana can helps to maintain blood sugar level and reduces oxidative stress in the cells.
- Another interesting study published in International medical journal of experimental and clinical research compared effect of regular walking and Yoga asanas (Including Trikonasana) on Anthropometric variables and Serum lipid profiles in Overweight and Obese patients.
- The result of this study shown that, Serum Leptin (A hormone that controls hunger) level of Yoga group significantly increased compared to regular walking group. This suggest that practicing Asanas can control habit of over eating.
- Study also focused on walking group, showing there was significant reduction in Serum Adiponectin (A hormone regulating glucose level and fatty acid breakdown). This suggest that increased predisposition of obesity related diseases such as Type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and Cancer in walking group. This indicate practicing Yoga Asanas are better compared to walking.
- Practicing of Asanas have profound effect on reduction of stress, anxiety and tension. Several studies shows that asana practice can induce production of Endorphin (Happy hormone) and thus helps to get free from mental and physical stress.
- A research study published in a journal named Complimentary therapies in clinical practice suggesting evidence that Yoga practices (including Trikonasana) can reduce the pregnancy related depression.
- A another study published in a journal called Perspective in Psychiatric Care shows evidence for reduction perceived stress and state of anxiety levels.
Procedure: a) Pre-procedure; Stand in Sthiti:, that's, bring your legs together and place your the hands besides your thighs. So that your palms touching on the corresponding thigh. b) Different steps; Separate both the legs with a distance of 1 meter. With a inhalation, raise your both the hands at shoulder level. Turn your right foot to right side. With a exhalation, bend your body towards right side to place your right palm on the right foot or to the Floor. (Floor at the side of outer margin of your right foot). Point your left arm towards upward, then, turn your face to up, so that you can see your left middle finger which is above your head. Maintain this final posture for minimum of 10 seconds. Release the posture in same way, them relax. After sufficient relaxation go for opposite side.
Physiological effects: Muscles such as external oblique muscles, rectus abdominis, rectus femoris, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius are majorly activated while performing Trikonasana. Trikonasana practice improves in peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and vital capacity of the lungs. Practice of Yoga Asanas, including Trikonasana can reduce the blood pressure and heart rate on regular practice by activating Baroreceptor mechanism and by controlling the Renal sympathetic nerve activity. Trikonasana can helps to maintain blood sugar level and reduces oxidative stress in the cells. Practicing Asanas like trikonasana can increase serum leptin level, which helps in suppressing hunger and for better fat metabolism.
Psychological effects: Practicing of Asanas have profound effect on reduction of stress, anxiety and tension. Yoga practices (including Trikonasana) can reduce the pregnancy related depression and also reduces perceived stress and state of anxiety levels.
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